
作者: 2020年06月12日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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例如,Saga LNG 運輸公司已經(jīng)見證了一艘名為Saga Dawn號中型液化天然氣油輪完成了處女航,從新加坡液化天然氣公司(Singapore LNG)在JOVO的東莞碼頭交付LNG。

據(jù)Saga LNG 運輸公司創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行官David Wu稱,該公司計劃建立自己的中型LNG運輸船船隊,使新的和陷入困境的市場能夠獲得具有成本效益的LNG。


Jera Global Markets前液化天然氣高級副總裁貝貝哈尼(Behbehani)告訴彭博社,在亞洲兩個最大的LNG客戶中國和印度,有很多淺河不適合大型LNG船行駛-這就是為什么可以選擇中型LNG油輪到達(dá)內(nèi)陸河流的原因。

總部位于新加坡的Saga LNG Shipping最近與印度Venerable LNG公司(VLNG)簽署了一項初步協(xié)議,希望將液化天然氣引入VLNG正在開發(fā)的一個終端和基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施項目。

VLNG董事總經(jīng)理Mayank Garg表示,我們很高興看到Saga LNG為起草有限的港口提供定制供應(yīng)解決方案的進(jìn)展,這是在不依賴第三方基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的情況下進(jìn)入分布式需求中心的必要條件。我們期待與他們合作,為液化天然氣供應(yīng)開辟新的市場。

據(jù)彭博社援引國際液化天然氣進(jìn)口商集團(tuán)(International Group of LNG Importers)的數(shù)據(jù)稱,目前全球液化天然氣船隊很少有中型液化天然氣運輸船,在601艘液化天然氣運輸船中,有8.8%的運輸船不足9萬立方米。

郝芬 譯自 油價網(wǎng)


Midsize LNG Tankers Become Key In Opening New Markets

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) traders and shipbuilders are looking to increasingly offer services on mid-size LNG tankers that are capable of traveling on shallower rivers, thus reaching new markets for LNG, Bloomberg reports.

Saga LNG Shipping, for example, has already seen a mid-sized LNG tanker, Saga Dawn, complete her maiden voyage, delivering LNG at JOVO’s Dongguan Terminal from Singapore LNG.

According to David Wu, Founder and CEO of Saga LNG Shipping, the company aims to build up its own fleet of mid-sized LNG carriers to enable new and stranded markets with access to cost-effective LNG.

The midsized LNG vessels will be capable of traveling inland on large rivers, which could give more territories, direct access to LNG, which is typically being unloaded at big ports and LNG terminals.

In two of the biggest LNG customers in Asia, China and India, there are a lot of shallow rivers not suitable for very large LNG ships to travel—that is why midsize LNG tankers could be an option for reaching landlocked areas where rivers run, Sarah Behbehani, former senior vice president for LNG at Jera Global Markets, told Bloomberg.

Singapore-based Saga LNG Shipping has recently signed a preliminary deal with Venerable LNG (VLNG) in India, looking to bring LNG to a terminal and infrastructure project under development by VLNG.

We are excited to see the progress of Saga LNG in providing custom made supply solutions to draft limited ports, a necessity in order to access the distributed demand centers without dependence on third party infrastructure. We look forward to jointly working with them to open up newer geographies for LNG supply,” said Mayank Garg, Managing Director of VLNG.

The global LNG fleet has very few midsize LNG tankers at present—8.8 percent of the 601 LNG carriers are under 90,000 cubic meters, Bloomberg says, citing data from the International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers.

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標(biāo)簽:中型LNG油輪 液化天然氣
