
作者: 2020年06月11日 來源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)6月9日Offshore Energy報(bào)道,波蘭主要的天然氣公司和液化天然氣進(jìn)口商PGNiG與韓國(guó)LG-Chem公司簽署了一項(xiàng)協(xié)議,將提供冷凍燃料并建造一個(gè)小型再氣化站。這些燃料將供應(yīng)波蘭弗羅茨瓦夫附近生產(chǎn)電動(dòng)車電池的LG電子生

據(jù)6月9日Offshore Energy報(bào)道,波蘭主要的天然氣公司和液化天然氣進(jìn)口商PGNiG與韓國(guó)LG-Chem公司簽署了一項(xiàng)協(xié)議,將提供冷凍燃料并建造一個(gè)小型再氣化站。這些燃料將供應(yīng)波蘭弗羅茨瓦夫附近生產(chǎn)電動(dòng)車電池的LG電子生產(chǎn)廠。

LG-Chem集團(tuán)的波蘭子公司LG-Chem-Wroc?aw Energy從歐洲投資銀行(European Investment Bank)獲得了4.8億歐元的貸款,用于建設(shè)電池廠。PGNiG表示,根據(jù)協(xié)議,到2025年,將通過卡車供應(yīng)近1.9萬噸液化天然氣。





洪偉立 摘譯自 Offshore Energy


Poland’s PGNiG inks domestic LNG deal

Poland’s dominant gas firm and LNG importer PGNiG has signed a deal with South Korean company LG Chem to deliver chilled fuel and build a small regasification station.

The fuel will supply LG Electronics production plant making electric car batteries near Wroclaw, Poland.

LG Chem Wroc?aw Energy, a Polish unit of the LG Chem group, received a €480 million loan ($541m) from the European Investment Bank for its battery plant construction.

Under the deal, PGNiG said it will supply nearly 19,000 tonnes of LNG via trucks until 2025.

The Polish company will deliver the fuel to a temporary mobile installation until the completion of the regasification station scheduled for December 2020.

The state-owned company says this is the largest LNG sales contract in its history with the volumes more than two times higher than its previous biggest contract.

PGNiG expects a rise in small-scale industrial LNG use in Poland in the coming years as the use of this fuel not only “guarantees efficient production, but also a positive ecological effect”.

The company is in charge of all the supplies coming to the only Polish import terminal in Swinoujscie operated by Gaz-System’s unit Polskie LNG.

PGNiG recently also secured additional regasification capacity at the facility.

Poland has significantly increased LNG purchases via its terminal in Swinoujscie following PGNiG deals with Qatargas and US player Cheniere.

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標(biāo)簽:冷凍燃料 再氣化站 液化天然氣
