
作者: 2020年06月10日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)能源世界網(wǎng)6月8日新德里報道,到2025年,全球最大的油氣公司將在可再生能源項目上投資超過180億美元,其中包括風能和太陽能的項目。 毫無疑問,唯一 一家公司Equinor將占這一資本支出的55%以上。

據(jù)能源世界網(wǎng)6月8日新德里報道,到2025年,全球最大的油氣公司將在可再生能源項目上投資超過180億美元,其中包括風能和太陽能的項目。 毫無疑問,唯一 一家公司Equinor將占這一資本支出的55%以上。

研究公司雷斯塔德能源公司(Rystad energy)在一份聲明中表示,仔細看看這些數(shù)據(jù)就會發(fā)現(xiàn),挪威能源巨頭Equinor公司預計將投資約100億美元,即投資額的55%。Equinor是唯一 一家準備將其大部分未開發(fā)資本投資于可再生能源項目的運營商。



郝芬 譯自 能源世界網(wǎng)


This company alone accounts for over a half of wind and solar investments by global oil majors

By 2025, the world's largest oil and gas companies would have spent over $18 billion in renewable energy projects, including those that generate wind and solar power. There is nothing surprising about it, except that a single company, Equinor, would account for over 55 per cent of this capex.

"A closer look at the numbers reveals that some $10 billion, or 55% of the amount, is expected to be invested by a single company, Equinor, the only operator poised to direct a majority of its greenfield capex towards renewable energy projects," research firm Rystad Energy said in a statement.

Equinor, the Norwegian state-controlled energy giant, will spend around $6.5 billion over the next three years to build offshore wind projects which are often capital-heavy. Significantly, this forecast is unlikely to be impacted by oil price fluctuations.

Rystad said the analysis takes into account solar and wind investments announced before 1 June 2020 and that can be pinpointed to specific projects. It clarified companies have committed more for renewable energy targets than those cnsidered in the analysis but it excludes spending plans that are not project-specific.

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標簽:風能 太陽能 可再生能源
