Dynagas LNG利潤攀升

作者: 2020年06月08日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)世界天然氣網(wǎng)站6月5日消息 總部位于希臘的Dynagas液化天然氣合作伙伴公司是由船東Dynagas組建的一家合伙企業(yè),該公司報告稱,由于航程收入增加,第一季度利潤有所上升。

據(jù)世界天然氣網(wǎng)站6月5日消息 總部位于希臘的Dynagas液化天然氣合作伙伴公司是由船東Dynagas組建的一家合伙企業(yè),該公司報告稱,由于航程收入增加,第一季度利潤有所上升。



由于液化天然氣運船Lena River在2019年7月交付與諾瓦泰克亞馬爾液化天然氣多年合同后獲得的收入增加,1-3月期間的航行收入增長了近10%,達到3450萬美元。




Dynagas液化天然氣船隊最早的合同再交付日期為2021年第三季度(Arctic Aurora液化天然氣運輸船),下一個承運人清潔能源最早可在2026年第一季度重新租船。



吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣


Dynagas LNG profit climbs

Greece-based Dynagas LNG Partners, a partnership formed by shipowner Dynagas, reported a rise in its first-quarter profit boosted by higher voyage revenues.

Net income for the three months ended March 31 increased to $7 million as compared to $1.9 million in the same period in 2019.

Dynagas LNG attributed the rise to higher voyage revenues as well as a decrease in finance costs.

Voyage revenues for the January-March period rose almost 10 percent to $34.5 million boosted by higher revenues earned on LNG carrier Lena River following its delivery to its multi-year contract with Novatek’s Yamal LNG in July 2019.

The partnership reported average daily hire gross of commissions of about $63,100 per day per vessel in the three-month period.

This compares to $57,700 per day per vessel in the corresponding period of 2019.

The shipping company’s six LNG carriers are all operating under their term charters with international gas producers with an average remaining contract term of 8.3 years.

The earliest contracted re-delivery date for Dynagas LNG fleet is in the third quarter of 2021 for the Arctic Aurora, with the next carrier the Clean Energy becoming available for re-chartering at the earliest in the first quarter of 2026.

“Despite the operational challenges the industry is facing with respect to the Covid-19 outbreak, we are pleased to report revenues in line with the fourth quarter of 2019 and net income increasing by 26% primarily as a result of lower interest expense”, chief executive Tony Lauritzen said.

“The current impact of the outbreak has been operationally manageable due to our manager’s effective response plan which has been successfully implemented with the support of our seafarers, charterers and employees which we are grateful for”, Lauritzen said.

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