5月全球IPEX指數(shù)較4月持平 但同比下降37%

作者: 2020年06月05日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
據(jù)ICIS網(wǎng)站6月3日消息 東北亞乙烯和丙烯價格的反彈以及歐洲5月苯合約價格的大幅上漲幫助穩(wěn)定了本月全球ICIS石化指數(shù)(IPEX)。

據(jù)ICIS網(wǎng)站6月3日消息 東北亞乙烯和丙烯價格的反彈以及歐洲5月苯合約價格的大幅上漲幫助穩(wěn)定了本月全球ICIS石化指數(shù)(IPEX)。






王磊 摘譯自 ICIS


May Global IPEX flat from April but 37% lower year on year

A rebound in ethylene and propylene prices in northeast Asia and the much higher Europe May benzene contract price helped stabilise the global ICIS Petrochemical Index (IPEX) for the month.

The regional and global index values, however, remain sharply down compared to May 2019 as large parts of the world continue to suffer from the negative economic impact of lockdowns in the midst of the coranavirus pandemic.

Ethylene demand is stronger in China while supply has been tight for June cargoes. Downstream markets in China are performing better and higher naphtha costs, on the back of the rising crude oil price, helped drive market dynamics.

In Europe, the May benzene contract reacted to the upward push in crude.

The ICIS petrochemical index tracks the movement of 12 major petrochemicals and polymers: ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene, toluene, paraxylene (PX), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), styrene, polystyrene (PS), methanol and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with the regional indexes weighted by capacity.

Index values are subject to change as monthly contract prices are agreed. The northeast Asia paraxylene contract price for May 2020 has yet to settle.

全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)(http://www.bhmbl.cn )友情提醒,轉(zhuǎn)載請務(wù)必注明來源:全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)!違者必究.

標簽:乙烯 丙烯
