
作者: 2020年06月05日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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一位消息人士稱,長期擔(dān)任首席財務(wù)官的Massimo Mondazzi可能被調(diào)往新部門或部分部門,并補充稱尚未做出最終決定。第二名消息人士稱:“ Mondazzi將擔(dān)任下游、化學(xué)品和可再生能源的負(fù)責(zé)人?!?/span>

由資深石油商Claudio Descalzi領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的埃尼今年早些時候曾承諾,在投資者要求環(huán)保的壓力下,將溫室氣體排放量削減80%,這是該行業(yè)最雄心勃勃的清潔行動之一。




曹海斌 摘譯自 烴加工新聞

Eni planning overhaul to step up green drive

Italian oil major Eni is planning to create a division to focus on new energy solutions which could be headed by its CFO, as it steps up preparations for a decarbonised future, two sources said.

The state-controlled group is looking to create the new green division to look after renewables and other clean energy business while keeping oil and gas activity in a separate unit, the sources familiar with the matter said.

Long-time CFO Massimo Mondazzi could be moved across to head up the new division, or part of it, one of the sources said, adding that no final decision had yet been taken. “Mondazzi is going to be head of downstream, chemicals and renewables,” the second source said.

Eni, headed by veteran oilman Claudio Descalzi, pledged earlier this year to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% in one of the most ambitious clean-up drives in an industry under pressure from investors to go green.

To reach the goal it is looking to have less oil and more gas in its portfolio, build its renewable capacity, convert refineries to bio-fuels and step up forestry and carbon capture projects.

“The restructuring underway is a move that will focus minds and give the market an idea of the actual size of Eni’s green business,” one of the sources said.

The sources said the new division was likely to include the group’s chemical business Versalis, its retail activities and probably refining, though final details had yet to be ironed out.

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