
作者: 2020年05月13日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)阿拉伯貿(mào)易5月12日報道,阿聯(lián)酋能源和工業(yè)部部長蘇黑爾?本?穆罕默德?法拉杰?法里斯?阿爾?馬茲魯埃(Suhail bin Mohammed Faraj Faris Al Mazrouei)表示,今年6月,阿聯(lián)酋將石油日產(chǎn)量削減10萬桶,以支持全球石油市

據(jù)阿拉伯貿(mào)易5月12日報道,阿聯(lián)酋能源和工業(yè)部部長蘇黑爾?本?穆罕默德?法拉杰?法里斯?阿爾?馬茲魯埃(Suhail bin Mohammed Faraj Faris Al Mazrouei)表示,今年6月,阿聯(lián)酋將石油日產(chǎn)量削減10萬桶,以支持全球石油市場實現(xiàn)再平衡。


洪偉立 摘譯自 阿拉伯貿(mào)易


UAE to cut oil output by 100,000bpd in June

The UAE will voluntarily cut its oil output by 100,000 barrels per day in June in a bid to back Saudi Arabia's efforts to rebalance the world oil market, said Suhail bin Mohammed Faraj Faris Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Industry.

"While the UAE successfully achieved production of over 4 million barrels a day in early April, it has subsequently reduced its production in line with the OPEC+ agreement," Al Mazrouei was quoted as saying in a Wam report.

"In support of efforts led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to further restore stability to energy markets, the UAE has committed to undertake an additional voluntary cut of 100,000 barrels per day in the month of June," he added.

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標簽:阿聯(lián)酋 石油
