
作者: 2020年05月07日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T
據(jù)油氣新聞網(wǎng)站4月27日消息 阿曼陸上3號(hào)和4號(hào)區(qū)塊的運(yùn)營(yíng)商已通知瑞典特提斯石油公司,在阿曼加入歐佩克+產(chǎn)量限制協(xié)議后,從5月1日起,這兩個(gè)區(qū)塊都將受到產(chǎn)量限制。


據(jù)油氣新聞網(wǎng)站4月27日消息 阿曼陸上3號(hào)和4號(hào)區(qū)塊的運(yùn)營(yíng)商已通知瑞典特提斯石油公司,在阿曼加入歐佩克+產(chǎn)量限制協(xié)議后,從5月1日起,這兩個(gè)區(qū)塊都將受到產(chǎn)量限制。





王磊 摘譯自 油氣新聞


Tethys Oil cuts on output in Oman blocks

Swedish oil company Tethys Oil has been informed by the operator of Blocks 3 and 4, onshore Oman, that following the Oman’s participation in the Opec+ production limitation agreement, both blocks will be subject to production limitation from May 1.

The company’s share of the production quota, before government take, for May and June 2020 will be 8,700 barrels of oil per day. From July 1, its quota will increase to 9,300 barrels of oil per day and remain at that level throughout 2020.

As a result, Tethys Oil has also suspended the previously announced financial guidance for 2020 regarding production, which was 12,600 to 13,400 bopd before government take), investments (previously $50-64 million) and operating expenses (previously $11.5 per barrel).

Tethys Oil focusse on onshore areas with known oil discoveries. Its core market is Oman, where it holds interests in Blocks 3 and 4, Block 49 and Block 56.

Tethys Oil has net working interest 2P reserves (total proven and probable) of 26.1 mmbo and net working interest 2C Contingent Resources of 13.5 mmbo and had an average oil production of 12,832 barrels per day from Blocks 3 and 4 during 2019.

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