
作者: 2020年04月20日 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)烴加工網(wǎng)站4月15日消息 美國能源信息署(EIA)表示,上周美國原油庫存增加1900萬桶,創(chuàng)下歷史上最大單周增幅,原因是由于疫情導致需求下滑,煉油企業(yè)紛紛減產(chǎn)。

據(jù)烴加工網(wǎng)站4月15日消息 美國能源信息署(EIA)表示,上周美國原油庫存增加1900萬桶,創(chuàng)下歷史上最大單周增幅,原因是由于疫情導致需求下滑,煉油企業(yè)紛紛減產(chǎn)。










吳恒磊 編譯自 烴加工


U.S. crude stocks surge by a record 19 million barrels

U.S. crude oil stockpiles rose by 19 million barrels last week, the biggest one-week increase in history, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said, as refiners throttled back activity due to slumping demand as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

The build in the week to April 10 was much larger than the Reuters poll calling for a 11.7 million-barrel rise and offsets some of the optimism that had bloomed as a result of a worldwide pact between oil producers to cut output sharply. Crude futures slumped on the news.

Worldwide fuel demand has dropped by roughly 30% as businesses have shuttered, and residents avoid public gatherings and travel due to the pandemic, which has killed more than 130,000 people and infected 2 million. Most U.S. states have issued orders asking people to stay at home; gasoline demand over the last four weeks has dropped by 32% from the year-ago period, EIA said.

Refiners have responded by cutting crude purchases and processing; they were operating at 69% of capacity nationwide, their lowest since September 2008, and their actions to counter weak demand is rippling through pipeline companies and oil producers. The latter are being forced to cut production, as some pipeline companies have said they cannot ship oil unless it has a proven destination.

Storage, meanwhile, continues to fill. Crude stocks at the Cushing, Oklahoma, delivery hub for U.S. crude futures rose by 5.7 million barrels last week, the EIA said, and now total 55 million barrels. The hub has about 76 million barrels of capacity, and could be full by mid-May, pipeline companies have said.

Crude prices dropped on the news, with U.S. crude down 2.3% to $19.69 a barrel as of 10:48 a.m. ET (1448 GMT) and Brent down 6.8% to $27.60 a barrel.

Refinery crude runs fell by 969,000 barrels per day (bpd) in the last week, EIA said. Refinery utilization rates fell by 6.5 percentage points on the week.

U.S. gasoline stocks rose by 4.9 million barrels in the week to record high at 262.2 million barrels, the EIA said, compared with expectations for a 6.4 million-barrel rise.

Distillate stockpiles, which include diesel and heating oil, rose by 6.3 million barrels in the week to 129 million barrels, versus expectations for a 1.4 million-barrel rise, the EIA data showed.

Net U.S. crude imports fell last week by 797,000 bpd last week, EIA said.

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