
作者: 2020年04月17日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)世界石油4月14日?qǐng)?bào)道,巴西燃料分銷(xiāo)商Petrobras Distribuidora SA首席執(zhí)行官格里索里亞(Rafael Grisolia)對(duì)路透表示,該公司的汽油和乙醇需求大幅下降。燃料銷(xiāo)售量此前降幅達(dá)60%,最近幾天略有回升,但需求較疫情

據(jù)世界石油4月14日?qǐng)?bào)道,巴西燃料分銷(xiāo)商Petrobras Distribuidora SA首席執(zhí)行官格里索里亞(Rafael Grisolia)對(duì)路透表示,該公司的汽油和乙醇需求大幅下降。燃料銷(xiāo)售量此前降幅達(dá)60%,最近幾天略有回升,但需求較疫情爆發(fā)前下降了30-35%。


根據(jù)彭博社制的油輪跟蹤數(shù)據(jù)顯示,沙特4月份迄今的原油出口量為每日930萬(wàn)桶。相比之下, 3月份前兩周的日產(chǎn)量為680萬(wàn)桶。此外,未來(lái)幾天至少有10艘超級(jí)油輪將在沙特拉斯塔努拉(Ras Tanura) 港口等待裝載2000萬(wàn)桶石油。

沙特阿拉伯國(guó)家石油公司(Saudi Aramco) 4月份承諾將日產(chǎn)量提高至1230萬(wàn)桶,并大幅降價(jià)以爭(zhēng)奪市場(chǎng)份額。3月份,為期三年的歐佩克+協(xié)議破裂。隨著需求的下滑,價(jià)格也進(jìn)一步下跌。





洪偉立 摘譯自 世界石油


Brazilian fuel distributor Petrobras Distribuidora SA, better known by its BR Distribuidora brand name, has seen demand for gasoline and ethanol plummet during the new coronavirus outbreak, its chief executive officer told Reuters.

CEO Rafael Grisolia said the company’s sales for those fuels initially fell 60% after the arrival of the disease in Brazil, and in recent days has recovered slightly with demand down 30-35%, compared to levels prior to the outbreak.

Saudi Arabia and other Gulf suppliers may have agreed to cut oil production again starting next month, but by all indications the taps are set to remain wide open until then -- swelling crude stockpiles for at least a few more weeks.

The kingdom’s crude exports so far in April stand at 9.3 million barrels a day, according to tanker-tracking data compiled by Bloomberg. That compares with 6.8 million barrels a day through the first two weeks of March. What’s more, there are at least 10 supertankers with the capacity to haul a combined 20 million barrels of oil waiting to load at the Saudi port of Ras Tanura in the coming days.

State-owned oil company Saudi Aramco pledged to boost output to 12.3 million barrels a day in April as it slashed prices in a battle for market share, following the collapse of the three-year old OPEC+ pact in March. As the coronavirus spread across the globe, governments imposed restrictions on movement and demand collapsed further, as did prices.

Following marathon international talks this past weekend, there’s now a new global deal to limit output, with Saudi Arabia agreeing to trim production to 8.5 million barrels a day in May and June. There’s been no indication that any producer will close the taps before May, meaning millions of barrels a day of crude entering the market that aren’t needed.

“The arrangement is from May,” Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, the Saudi oil minister, told reporters on a conference call on Monday in reference to the OPEC+ agreement. “All of April was sold.”

In other words, the price war is still on for now. So far, the market hasn’t been impressed. Global benchmark Brent crude was down 5.4% at around $30 a barrel, by 5:50 p.m. in London on Tuesday. On Monday, the first day following the new agreement, futures rose by a meager 0.8%.

Another measure -- the official selling prices that traders pay for actual barrels of crude in the physical market -- indicates that Saudi Arabia is still looking to gain market share. The so-called OSPs for April were already at their lowest in at least three decades. The kingdom released May’s prices yesterday, deepening the discounts to most markets, especially Asia, where the cut was greater than expected.

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