
作者: 2020年04月17日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
據(jù)4月15日Gas world 報道,ABB的電力推進、動力、儲能、控制和自動化技術將成為南亞第一艘能夠在低排放LNG發(fā)動機和零排放電池動力之間切換的拖船的核心。

據(jù)4月15日Gas world 報道,ABB的電力推進、動力、儲能、控制和自動化技術將成為南亞第一艘能夠在低排放LNG發(fā)動機和零排放電池動力之間切換的拖船的核心。

這艘拖船將在新加坡港口作業(yè),已由Jurong海事子公司Jurong海事服務公司(Jurong Marine Services)訂購,將于2020年底前從Jurong造船廠交付。


鄒勤 摘譯自 Gas world


ABB to power South Asia’s first LNG hybrid tug for efficient and sustainable operations

ABB’s electric propulsion, power, energy storage, control and automation technology will be at the heart of the first tug in South Asia capable of switching between low emission LNG engines and zero-emission battery power.

The tug, which will operate in Singapore harbour, has been ordered by Sembcorp Marine subsidiary Jurong Marine Services for delivery from the Sembcorp Marine shipyard by the end of 2020.

LNG as a fuel virtually eliminates sulphur oxide emissions, and the Maritime Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) is also incentivising its use to support the International Maritime Organisation’s aims to halve ship CO2 emissions by 2050.

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標簽:ABB LNG混合動力拖船
