
作者: 2020年04月03日 來源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T


西伯利亞輕油是通過俄羅斯新羅西斯克和烏拉爾黑海港口出口的輕質(zhì)油級(jí)。 在4月份的裝載計(jì)劃中,有6批計(jì)劃裝載的西伯利亞輕質(zhì)油貨物,每批8萬噸。





對(duì)西伯利亞輕質(zhì)油的需求不佳是由于在地中海的歐洲煉油廠的產(chǎn)量低。 貿(mào)易商稱,由于煉油廠試圖在需求低迷的情況下減少汽油產(chǎn)量,因此輕質(zhì)油市場(chǎng)的需求尤其疲軟。

郝芬 譯自 能源世界網(wǎng)


Russia's Siberian Light oil falls to record low as buyers avoid light barrels

Russia's Siberian Light oil fell to the widest discount to dated Brent in history as demand for light barrels in the Mediterranean disappeared due to the coronavirus outbreak, three traders told Reuters on Wednesday.

April cargoes of Siberian Light were sold at dated Brent minus $5-6 per barrel earlier this week, three traders told Reuters.

Siberian Light is a light oil grade exported via Russia's Black Sea port of Novorossiisk, along with Urals. In April's loading plan there were six Siberian Light cargoes of 80,000 tonnes each planned for loading.

On Wednesday bids kept going down, one of the traders said.

There were still a couple of April cargoes unsold in the market.

Siberian Light was offered down to minus $3.90 per barrel last week.

"We're knocking on all doors trying to sell a dead horse," a trader in the Mediterranean market selling Siberian Light said.

Poor demand for Siberian Light is due to low runs on European refineries in the Mediterranean. Especially weak demand is seen in the light grades' market as refiners try to reduce production of gasoline amid low demand, traders said.

全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)(http://www.bhmbl.cn )友情提醒,轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)務(wù)必注明來源:全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)!違者必究.

標(biāo)簽:俄羅斯 西伯利亞 輕質(zhì)油
