石油價(jià)格暴跌 非洲生產(chǎn)商受沖擊

作者: 2020年04月01日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)3月30日Financial Times報(bào)道,油價(jià)暴跌不僅讓非洲產(chǎn)油國面臨收入損失,還讓它們來之不易的市場份額中不斷丟失,可能還無法重新獲得。

據(jù)3月30日Financial Times報(bào)道,油價(jià)暴跌不僅讓非洲產(chǎn)油國面臨收入損失,還讓它們來之不易的市場份額中不斷丟失,可能還無法重新獲得。


剛果共和國石油部長3月20日致函歐佩克秘書長默罕默德·巴爾金多(Mohammad Barkindo),呼吁召開緊急會議,以找尋避免成員國陷入石油經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退的辦法。



IHS Markit非洲首席研究分析師羅德里克·布魯斯(Roderick Bruce)表示:“企業(yè)每天都在評估它們的整體投資組合。到2020年,非洲大陸的最終投資決定可能會觸及歷史低點(diǎn)?!?/span>

如果不進(jìn)行海外油田投資,尼日利亞石油產(chǎn)量預(yù)計(jì)將下降35%。Rystad Energy估計(jì),在整個非洲,推遲投資可能意味著到2025年日產(chǎn)量將減少20萬桶。

洪偉立 摘譯自 Financial Times


Double whammy of plunging oil and pandemic hits African producers

Collapsing oil prices have left African producers facing not only lost revenue when they most need it to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, but also a fall in hard-won market share they may never regain.

The continent’s producers such as Nigeria, Angola and Algeria cannot compete with the lower costs of erstwhile allies Saudi Arabia and Russia, who are flooding the market with oil.

In a sign of their desperation, the Republic of Congo’s oil minister wrote to Opec secretary-general Mohammad Barkindo on March 20 calling for an urgent meeting to find a way to keep member nations from sinking into recession.

Though non-Opec nations such as Britain, Norway and the US all have relatively high-cost production, due to their diversified economies they are not dependent on oil.

As well as hitting already tight budgets, the oil price drop had led oil majors to cut billions from spending plans. The longer-term impact for the comparatively costly African fields could be far more painful.

“Companies are reviewing their whole portfolios on a daily basis,” said Roderick Bruce, principal research analyst for Africa at IHS Markit, which forecasts final investment decisions on the continent could hit historic lows in 2020.

African countries are “in a very difficult position”, Bruce added, citing their higher production costs.

In Nigeria production is forecast to fall 35% without offshore field investments. Across Africa, Rystad Energy estimates delayed spending could mean a drop of 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) in expected output by 2025.

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標(biāo)簽:油價(jià) 非洲 產(chǎn)油國
