
作者: 2020年03月27日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據3月24日Gulf Times報道,沙迦(Sharjah)與英國派特法石油工程公司Petrofac了簽署一個4000萬美元的天然氣儲存項目。該項目的總承包和試運(EPCC)合同包括一個新的高壓壓縮機設施、一條高壓管道和通往Moveyeid油田

據3月24日Gulf Times報道,沙迦(Sharjah)與英國派特法石油工程公司Petrofac了簽署一個4000萬美元的天然氣儲存項目。該項目的總承包和試運(EPCC)合同包括一個新的高壓壓縮機設施、一條高壓管道和通往Moveyeid油田現(xiàn)有四口油井的運輸管線。


SNOC計劃分階段實施該項目,地面設施將于2020年底投入使用,鉆探工作將于2023年進行。該公司首席執(zhí)行官Hatem Al Mosa表示:“對于這樣一個項目來說,國家石油公司在規(guī)模、管線基礎設施、連通性等方面都擁有理想的油藏。然而,長期的天然氣供應短缺,在當時阻止了該項目成為現(xiàn)實。”


洪偉立 摘譯自 Gulf Times


Sharjah signs Petrofac for $40m gas storage project

facility project has been awarded to Petrofac Facilities Management International. The value of the project is $40 million, and will feature a new high-pressure compressor facility, a high-pressure pipeline and flow lines to four existing wells in the Moveyeid Field.

Earlier this year, Sharjah National Oil Corporation (SNOC) and its partner Eni announced the discovery of natural gas and condensate onshore in Sharjah. The discovery, named “Mahani”, comes within the first year of the partnership and represents the first onshore discovery of gas in the emirate since the early 1980s.

SNOC plans to implement the project in phases, with the surface facilities to be commissioned by the end of 2020 and drilling in 2023.

“SNOC owns the ideal reservoir for such a project in terms of size, proximity to pipeline infrastructure, connectivity and composition,” said Hatem Al Mosa, CEO of Sharjah National Oil Corporation (SNOC). “However, the historic chronic shortage of gas to provide the cushion gas prevented the project from becoming a reality at that time.

“The project will allow us to store excess gas in the winter to satisfy the summer peak demand. It will also provide a readily available strategic reserve to respond to unexpected operational or market issues where connectivity and proximity become most critical.”

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