因油價(jià)暴跌 美國石油"無暇顧及"二疊紀(jì)

作者: 2020年03月27日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T


阿帕奇公司(Apache Corporation)兩周前表示,將其今年資本投資計(jì)劃從先前的16億—19億美元削減至10億—12億美元。阿帕奇還將在未來幾周內(nèi)停止在二疊紀(jì)開采石油,以限制“依賴短周期石油項(xiàng)目”。

阿帕奇首席執(zhí)行官兼總裁John J. Christmann IV在一份聲明中表示,我們將在今年剩余時(shí)間內(nèi)大幅減少計(jì)劃的鉆機(jī)數(shù)量和完井量,并且我們的資本支出計(jì)劃將根據(jù)市場情況保持靈活。



郝芬 譯自 今日油價(jià)


US Oil Turns Its Back On The Permian As Prices Crash

Amid crashing oil prices, oil firms are rushing to cut budgets and exposure to the most prolific shale basin in the United States, the Permian, yet industry bodies expect the shale patch to survive the oil price war and the oil price collapse despite the short-term pain.

Apache Corporation said two weeks ago it was slashing its 2020 capital investment plan to $1.0 billion-$1.2 billion from a previous range of $1.6 billion-$1.9 billion. Apache will also stop pumping oil in the Permian in the coming weeks to limit “exposure to short-cycle oil projects.”

“We are significantly reducing our planned rig count and well completions for the remainder of the year, and our capital spending plan will remain flexible based on market conditions,” John J. Christmann IV, Apache’s chief executive officer and president, said in a statement.

A few days later, Pioneer Natural Resources also announced it was “taking decisive action in response to lower oil prices and global macroeconomic uncertainty.”

Pioneer is cutting its 2020 drilling, completion, and facilities capital budget by some 45 percent, expecting it to range between $1.6 billion to $1.8 billion. Faced with low oil prices, the company will reduce its operated rig count from 22 currently to 11 operated rigs within the next two months.

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標(biāo)簽:阿帕奇 頁巖盆地二疊紀(jì)
