
作者: 2020年03月27日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
據(jù)路透社3月25日報道,英國石油天然氣公司(UK Oil & Gas PLC)周一表示,已經(jīng)提交了一份計劃申請,準備在懷特島(Isle of Wight)的阿雷頓(Arreton)油田進行鉆井評估和流量測試。

據(jù)路透社3月25日報道,英國石油天然氣公司(UK Oil & Gas PLC)周一表示,已經(jīng)提交了一份計劃申請,準備在懷特島(Isle of Wight)的阿雷頓(Arreton)油田進行鉆井評估和流量測試。



該公司首席執(zhí)行官斯蒂芬?桑德森(Stephen Sanderson)表示:“雖然公司的主要精力仍將放在維持Horse Hill石油生產的長期持續(xù)穩(wěn)定和盈利上,但我們還將繼續(xù)努力,采取必要行動,確保阿雷頓石油和洛斯利天然氣評估項目在當前英國局勢允許的情況下盡快推進?!?/span>

王佳晶 摘譯自 路透社


UK Oil & Gas Files Arreton Application With Isle Of Wight Council

UK Oil & Gas PLC on Monday said it has filed a planning application to conduct appraisal drilling and flow testing at the onshore Arreton oil discovery on the Isle of Wight.

The application was filed with the Isle of Wight Council and, following a week-long statutory notice period, should go "live" on Friday this week. Included in the application are details of a "planned construction, operation and eventual decommissioning of a well site for the appraisal of hydrocarbons" in a three-year period.

UK Oil & Gas, which has a 65% interest in Arreton, stated that it has "spent considerable time and undertaken much research" on minimising noise and said that site "will be largely screened from public view".

It contains 127 million gross barrels of P50 oil based on third party calculations. UK Oil & Gas said its share of the mid case recoverable contingent resource volumes at Arreton is expected to be 14.9 million barrels.

Chief Executive Stephen Sanderson said: "Whilst [UK Oil & Gas's] primary focus will remain on maintaining continued long-term stable and profitable oil production at Horse Hill, our efforts will also continue with those actions necessary to ensure that both the Arreton oil and Loxley gas appraisal projects move forwards as swiftly as the current UK situation permits."?

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