
作者: 2020年03月12日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T
據(jù)3月11日Energy Voice報(bào)道,蘇格蘭石油公司昨天表示,盡管本周油價(jià)暴跌,但凱恩能源不會(huì)改變?nèi)魏味唐谟?jì)劃,還可能為公司發(fā)展提供機(jī)會(huì)。

據(jù)3月11日Energy Voice報(bào)道,蘇格蘭石油公司昨天表示,盡管本周油價(jià)暴跌,但凱恩能源不會(huì)改變?nèi)魏味唐谟?jì)劃,還可能為公司發(fā)展提供機(jī)會(huì)。

凱恩能源總部位于愛(ài)丁堡,該公司首席執(zhí)行官西蒙·湯姆森(Simon Thomson)表示,公司2019年稅前利潤(rùn)為9030萬(wàn)英鎊,同比增長(zhǎng)約9.2億英鎊,這讓公司“處于有利地位”。



洪偉立 摘譯自 Energy Voice


Cairn Energy ‘won’t change’ North Sea exploration plan despite oil price meltdown, chief says

This week’s oil price meltdown “won’t change” any short-term plans for Cairn Energy but could offer an opportunity, the Scottish oil firm’s boss said yesterday.

Simon Thomson, chief executive of Edinburgh-headquartered Cairn said pre-tax profits of £90.3 million for 2019, up from losses of around £920m the previous year, left his firm “well positioned”.

With revenue increasing by more than £93m to £404,3m last year, Mr Thomson reassured investors that Cairn’s UK assets “remain resilient” and able to withstand an oil price slump.

He said: “We are well-positioned from the point of view of oil price volatility. Catcher and Kraken production costs are below $20 a barrel.

“It’s a point to emphasise, that anything that we look at has to satisfy us that it can be resilient in a period of volatility, or indeed a period of energy transition.

“Even with an expected halving of global energy demand leading up to 2050, our projects still remain in positive return territory.”

He added: “We’re very focused on ensuring the portfolio can remain resilient to these types of challenges.”

As well as stakes in Catcher and Kraken, London-listed Cairn has interests in Israel, Mauritania, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Mexico and Suriname.

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標(biāo)簽:蘇格蘭石油 凱恩能源
