
作者: 2020年03月11日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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李峻 編譯自 原油新聞


Oman considers restructuring oil & gas sector to raise cash

Oman, the Middle East's biggest oil producer outside of OPEC, is deliberating several options to restructure its state-backed oil and gas companies to provide a much-needed cash injection to the country's balance sheet, while continuing plans to increase production, a ministry source told S&P Global Platts.

Options include creating a new national oil company, changing the structure of semi state-owned Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) to enable it to raise its own debt, or listing or divesting a portion of state-owned OQ, the source said. The country may also consider selling a stake of a large asset, in the same manner as when Petronas bought a 10% stake of Oman's BP-operated Khazzan gas project in late 2018.

Current market conditions make it unlikely that Oman will pursue a deal soon. Crude prices have tumbled after Saudi Arabia and Russia, two of the world's largest oil producers, couldn't agree on extending production cuts, setting the stage for a potential price war among major producing nations. Oil majors will also be under pressure to slash their investment plans and cut shareholder payouts this year. That could make it challenging for Oman to raise the cash that it seeks.

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