
作者: 2020年03月10日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)離岸能源3月9日消息,BW能源公司已經(jīng)從DTM-4H Gamba油井中開采出了第一桶石油,該井是位于加蓬近海Dussafu Marin 許可證的Tortue二期開發(fā)項(xiàng)目的一部分。

據(jù)離岸能源3月9日消息,BW能源公司已經(jīng)從DTM-4H Gamba油井中開采出了第一桶石油,該井是位于加蓬近海Dussafu Marin 許可證的Tortue二期開發(fā)項(xiàng)目的一部分。

在Dussafu許可范圍內(nèi)有五個(gè)油田:Moubenga、Walt Whitman、Ruche、Ruche North East和Tortue。BW公司于2018年11月批準(zhǔn)了Tortue項(xiàng)目的第二階段開發(fā),此時(shí)距Tortue項(xiàng)目第一階段投產(chǎn)已經(jīng)過去了兩個(gè)月。

BW周一表示,DTM-4H Gamba已于3月7日順利投產(chǎn)。DTM-4H井投產(chǎn)僅在DTM-5H井首次出油后三天。


BW能源公司首席執(zhí)行官Carl K. Arnet 表示:“我們很高興看到這兩口新井的產(chǎn)量符合我們的預(yù)期?!?/span>

DTM-4H和DTM-5H代表了第二階段項(xiàng)目中的兩個(gè)組合中的第一組,該群組由與FPSO BW Adolo捆綁在一起的四個(gè)生產(chǎn)井組成。第二組計(jì)劃于2020年6月投產(chǎn),目前仍在繼續(xù)鉆探。

預(yù)計(jì)第二階段完成后,2020年6口井的總產(chǎn)油量將達(dá)到1.73 – 2.16萬桶/天,高于2019年1.18 萬桶/天的平均水平。

Dussafu Marin合資公司包括BW能源公司(運(yùn)營商,73.5%的經(jīng)營權(quán)益),圖洛石油公司(10%的經(jīng)營權(quán)益),加蓬石油公司(9%的經(jīng)營權(quán)益)和Panoro能源公司(7.5%的經(jīng)營權(quán)益)。

裘寅 編譯自 離岸能源


BW produces first oil from second Tortue Phase 2 well

BW Energy has produced first oil from the DTM-4H Gamba well drilled as part of Tortue Phase 2 development project in the Dussafu Marin Permit offshore Gabon.

There are five oil fields within the Dussafu Permit: Moubenga, Walt Whitman, Ruche, Ruche North East, and Tortue. BW sanctioned the second phase of its Tortue development in November 2018, two months following the production start-up at the Tortue Phase 1.

BW said on Monday that the DTM-4H Gamba well successfully started production on March 7. Start of production from DTM-4H was only three days after first oil from the DTM-5H well.

Following the addition of the two wells, the overall field production continues to stabilize, with current output at approximately 20.0 kbopd gross.

“We are pleased to see production rates from the two new wells in line with our expectations,” said Carl K. Arnet, CEO of BW Energy.

DTM-4H and DTM-5H represent the first of two clusters in the Phase 2 project which consists of four production wells tied back to the FPSO BW Adolo. Drilling continues on the second cluster which is scheduled to begin production by June 2020.

Total production after completion of Phase 2 is projected to be 17.3 – 21.6 kbopd gross for 2020 from six producing wells, an increase from the 2019 average of 11.8 kbopd gross.

The Dussafu Marin JV consists of BW Energy (operator, 73.5% working interest), Tullow Oil (10% working interest), Gabon Oil Company (9% working interest) and Panoro Energy (7.5% working interest).

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標(biāo)簽:BW能源公司 油田
