北海Utsira High的167號(hào)生產(chǎn)許可證上發(fā)現(xiàn)了小型油田

作者: 2019年07月30日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T
據(jù)烴加工在線7月26日消息稱,Equinor和合作伙伴倫丁石油和Spirit Energy在北海Utsira High的167號(hào)生產(chǎn)許可證上發(fā)現(xiàn)了小型油田。

據(jù)烴加工在線7月26日消息稱,Equinor和合作伙伴倫丁石油和Spirit Energy在北海Utsira High的167號(hào)生產(chǎn)許可證上發(fā)現(xiàn)了小型油田。



最近在北海中部Johan Sverdrup油田以西約1公里的PL 502克拉夫井發(fā)現(xiàn)了一處小型油田。


曹海斌 摘譯自 烴加工在線


Equinor announces small oil discovery at the Utsira High

Equinor and partners Lundin and Spirit Energy have made a small oil discovery in production licence 167 at the Utsira High in the North Sea.

The Lille Prinsen Outer Wedge well is located about 1 km west of Lille Prinsen Main, an oil discovery made in the summer of 2018. Lille Prinsen Outer Wedge is located 200 km west of Stavanger and 5 km north-east of the Ivar Aasen field.

The discovery in the main reservoir is currently estimated to contain between 5 and 25 million bbl of oil in-place. It has not yet been concluded if the discovered oil is commercial.

A small-size oil discovery was recently made in the Klaff well in PL 502 about 1 km west of the Johan Sverdrup oil field in the central part of the North Sea.

The discovery was made in fractured basement rock, and it is currently not possible to determine whether the oil is recoverable. Pending new information and interpretation of acquired data the preliminary classification is that the Klaff well is dry.

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標(biāo)簽:Equinor 倫丁石油 Spirit Energy 小型油田
