
作者: 2019年07月30日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
據(jù)世界天然氣網(wǎng)站7月26日消息 南非國營物流公司南非運輸集團正準(zhǔn)備在理查茲灣港開發(fā)該國的液化天然氣進(jìn)口終端。

據(jù)世界天然氣網(wǎng)站7月26日消息 南非國營物流公司南非運輸集團正準(zhǔn)備在理查茲灣港開發(fā)該國的液化天然氣進(jìn)口終端。

南非運輸集團石油和天然氣業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)理Jabulani Sithole對路透社表示,該公司正尋求在明年發(fā)起一項終端建設(shè)招標(biāo)。






吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣


South Africa’s Transnet eyes LNG terminal development

South Africa’s state-run logistics company Transnet is gearing up to start the development of the country’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal at Richards Bay port.

Speaking to Reuters, Jabulani Sithole, a Transnet oil and gas business manager, said the company is looking to launch a tender to for the terminal’s construction next year.

He noted that the company expects to float its request for quotations sometimes in the second or third quarter of 2020.

The facility will be developed to bring in volumes of natural gas to help the country’s switch away from coal that is the source of over 90 percent of electricity.

The facility could end up being a land-based one as well as a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) as the company is looking at all the options.

The terminal would be located ar Richards Bay and serve surrounding ports, where gas-fired power plants are planned to be built.

Sithole added that if all goes accordingly, first LNG could arrive at the facility in 2020.

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