
作者: 2019年07月26日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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TechnipFMC由美國美信達(dá)公司(FMC Technologies)和法國油服公司德西尼布(Technip)于2016年合并而成,此前在諾瓦泰克的亞馬爾LNG項(xiàng)目上進(jìn)行了設(shè)計(jì)工程和建筑工程。

Technipfmc陸上/海上業(yè)務(wù)總裁Nello Uccelletti在一份聲明中表示:"我們非常榮幸地被諾瓦泰克及其合作伙伴委托執(zhí)行這一新合同,我們正在利用亞馬爾LNG項(xiàng)目的成功記錄,特別是模塊化制造方案。”



TechnipFMC awarded $7.6 billion contract for Arctic LNG-2

Oil services firm TechnipFMC said on Tuesday it had been awarded a major engineering, procurement and construction contract by Russia’s Novatek and its partners for the Arctic 2 liquefied natural gas project in western Siberia.

It said the consolidated contract value to TechnipFMC for Arctic LNG-2 was $7.6 billion and consists of three LNG trains, each with a capacity of 6.6 million tons per annum (Mtpa).

The Arctic LNG 2 project aims to develop more than 7 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe) of resources.

Novatek holds a 60% stake in the project, while French oil and gas major Total, China’s CNPC, CNOOC, and Japan Arctic LNG consortium each hold 10%.

Novatek said on Tuesday it had reached its target for participation in the project with the completion of stake sales, meaning it could now make a final investment decision.

The project is expected to have a total production capacity of 19.8 million tonnes per year, or 535,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.

TechnipFMC, created by a 2016 merger of France’s Technip and U.S. rival FMC Technologies, had previously carried out design engineering and construction work on Novatek’s Yamal LNG project.

“We are extremely honored to be entrusted with this new contract by Novatek and its partners. We are leveraging our successful track record on the Yamal LNG project and notably the modular fabrication scheme,” Nello Uccelletti, president of onshore/offshore operations at TechnipFMC, said in a statement.

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