
作者: 2019年07月26日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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埃克森美孚公司稱,博蒙特的擴(kuò)建基于2017年在該公司位于德克薩斯州蒙特貝爾維尤(Mont Belvieu)的生產(chǎn)基地投產(chǎn)的兩條性能PE生產(chǎn)線所帶來(lái)的供應(yīng)優(yōu)勢(shì),這將有助于滿足PE強(qiáng)勁的全球需求增長(zhǎng)。

博蒙特 PE擴(kuò)建是??松梨诠?017年首次宣布的為期10年,耗資200億美元的“海灣增長(zhǎng)”投資計(jì)劃的一部分。

郝芬 譯自 OGJ


ExxonMobil commissions Beaumont polyethylene expansion

ExxonMobil Corp. has started production on a new high-performance polyethylene line at its Beaumont, Tex., polyethylene (PE) plant (OGJ Online, Nov. 15, 2016).

The newly commissioned 650,000-tonne/year unit increases production of granular and pelletized PE at Beaumont by 65%, bringing overall site capacity to nearly 1.7 million tpy, ExxonMobil said.

ExxonMobil said the Beaumont expansion builds upon supply advantages created by two performance PE lines previously commissioned in 2017 at the company’s manufacturing site in Mont Belvieu, Tex., that, together, will help meet strong global demand growth for PE.

The Beaumont PE expansion comes as part of ExxonMobil’s 10-year, $20-billion “Growing the Gulf” investment initiative first announced in 2017 (OGJ Online, Feb. 25, 2019).

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