
作者: 2019年07月23日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據哈特能源7月19日消息,7月19日,總部位于阿根廷的YPF SA公司授予麥克德莫特一份規(guī)??捎^的合同,為阿根廷Vaca Muerta頁巖田的一座年產500萬噸的LNG液化設施提供前端工程設計服務,該設施的潛在規(guī)模將擴大至1000萬

據哈特能源7月19日消息,7月19日,總部位于阿根廷的YPF SA公司授予麥克德莫特一份規(guī)??捎^的合同,為阿根廷Vaca Muerta頁巖田的一座年產500萬噸的LNG液化設施提供前端工程設計服務,該設施的潛在規(guī)模將擴大至1000萬噸。

工作范圍是之前根據2018年的一份合同為阿根廷YPF LNG出口設施進行概念研究的延續(xù)。麥克德莫特倫敦辦事處將提供工程服務,休斯頓辦事處將提供項目管理和評估服務。

麥克德莫特北美、中南美洲高級副總裁Mark Coscio表示:“該項目的獲得證明了麥克德莫特在LNG方面的技術專長以及我們多年來與YPF的成功合作基礎。我們作為YPF參與的秘魯LNG工廠EPC承包商的經驗,加上麥克德莫特的模塊化能力,是使我們有資格贏得并執(zhí)行該合同的關鍵因素?!?/span>

該項目將促進阿根廷Neuquen地區(qū)Vaca Muerta頁巖田的開發(fā)。


程張翔 編譯自 哈特能源


McDermott Bags Pre-FEED Contract For Vaca Muerta LNG In Argentina

McDermott International Inc. has been awarded a sizeable contract by Argentina-based YPF SA on July 19 to provide pre-FEED services for a five million tonnes per annum (MTPA) LNG liquefaction facility, with a potential expansion to 10 MTPA, at the Vaca Muerta Shale field in Argentina.

The scope of work is a continuation of a previous conceptual study developed for the YPF LNG Export Facility in Argentina under a contract in 2018. McDermott’s London office will provide engineering services while the Houston office will perform project management and estimation services.

“The award of this Pre-FEED project is a testimony of McDermott’s technical expertise in LNG and our successful partnership with YPF over the years,” Mark Coscio, McDermott’s senior vice president for North, Central and South America, said. “Our experience as the EPC contractor for the Peru LNG Facility in which YPF was involved–combined with McDermott’s modularization capabilities–were key factors that made us uniquely qualified to win and execute this contract.”

The project will promote the development of the Vaca Muerta Shale field in The Neuquen region Argentina.

Work on the project will begin immediately, and the contract award will be reflected in McDermott’s second-quarter 2019 backlog.

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