
作者: 2019年05月08日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
據(jù)Neftegaz.RU羅斯托夫5月7日消息稱,到2018年底,羅斯 托夫地區(qū)的氣化率達到88%。新建燃?xì)夤芫W(wǎng)250公里,改造目標(biāo)對象22個。10個 城市的天然氣供應(yīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)也已現(xiàn)代化。

    據(jù)Neftegaz.RU羅斯托夫5月7日消息稱,到2018年底,羅斯 托夫地區(qū)的氣化率達到88%。新建燃?xì)夤芫W(wǎng)250公里,改造目標(biāo)對象22個。10個 城市的天然氣供應(yīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)也已現(xiàn)代化。

    2019年4月30日,由州長V. Golubev主持的地區(qū)政府?dāng)U大會議上宣布了地區(qū)氣 化的結(jié)果。24個城市的7000戶家庭和公寓獲得了連接天然氣的機會。現(xiàn)在該地 區(qū)有1000多個地區(qū)使用天然氣。 2018年,俄羅斯為羅斯托夫地區(qū)的氣化措施撥款12億盧布。天然氣被連接到先 進的社會和經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的領(lǐng)土“古科沃”、沙赫蒂市和奧克夏布爾斯基農(nóng)村地區(qū)。


    曹海斌 摘譯自 Neftegaz.RU


    By the end of 2018, more than 88% of the Rostov Region was gasified Rostov-on-Don, Neftegaz.RU. By the end of 2018, the percentage of gasification in the Rostov Region reached 88. 250 km of gas supply networks were built, 22 objects were reconstructed. The gas supply networks in 10 municipalities were also modernized. The results of the regional gasification were announced on April 30, 2019 at an enlarged meeting of the regional government chaired by Governor V. Golubev. 7 thousand households and apartments in 24 municipalities received the opportunity to connect to gas. Now in the region gas is used in more than 1000 localities. 2019/5/8 www.sinopecnews.com.cn/news/content/2019-05/08/content_1746338.htm http://www.sinopecnews.com.cn/news/content/2019-05/08/content_1746338.htm 2/2 In 2018, 1.2 billion rubles were allocated for gasification measures in the Rostov Region. Gas was connected to the territory of advanced social and economic development "Gukovo", the city of Shakhty and the Oktyabrsky rural region. In 2019, 29 more gas supply facilities and 210 km of gas supply networks will be built

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標(biāo)簽:羅斯托夫 氣化率 88%
