
作者: 2019年05月08日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)普氏能源資訊2019年5月1日休斯敦報(bào)道,美國(guó)頁(yè)巖油氣開(kāi) 發(fā)公司之一的德文能源公司(德文能源/Devon Energy)周三表示,由于該公 司更多關(guān)注原油生產(chǎn)而較少關(guān)注天然氣生產(chǎn),受德州二疊紀(jì)盆地和懷俄明州粉河 盆地鉆井

    據(jù)普氏能源資訊2019年5月1日休斯敦報(bào)道,美國(guó)頁(yè)巖油氣開(kāi) 發(fā)公司之一的德文能源公司(德文能源/Devon Energy)周三表示,由于該公 司更多關(guān)注原油生產(chǎn)而較少關(guān)注天然氣生產(chǎn),受德州二疊紀(jì)盆地和懷俄明州粉河 盆地鉆井活動(dòng)推動(dòng)的石油產(chǎn)量增長(zhǎng)預(yù)計(jì)將在今年下半年加速。 總部位于俄克拉荷馬城的德文能源目前正在出售兩項(xiàng)舊有資產(chǎn)——其加拿大油 砂和位于德克薩斯州北部巴內(nèi)特頁(yè)巖天然氣遠(yuǎn)景區(qū)——以使自己在很大程度上 成為一家美國(guó)非常規(guī)石油和液體生產(chǎn)商。

    德文能源把今年的石油產(chǎn)量預(yù)期(不包括待售資產(chǎn))提高了17%,高于去年的每日 12.2萬(wàn)桶(保留資產(chǎn)),而此前的預(yù)測(cè)為15%。 德文能源預(yù)計(jì)將在年底前完成資產(chǎn)出售,并已將其計(jì)入會(huì)計(jì)表。一旦這些資產(chǎn)出 售,德文能源將把注意力集中在位于德克薩斯西部和新墨西哥州的二疊紀(jì)盆地的 四個(gè)關(guān)鍵區(qū)塊、懷俄明州的粉河盆地、德克薩斯南部的鷹福特頁(yè)巖探區(qū)和俄克拉 荷馬州的STACK區(qū)塊。 德文能源的高管們表示,德文能源提高石油產(chǎn)量預(yù)期的原因是油井性能的改善, 德文能源在第一季度交付了二疊紀(jì)盆地有史以來(lái)產(chǎn)量最高的一些油井。 李峻 編譯自 Platts

    原文如下: Devon Energy sees oil growth acceleration this year driven by Permian, Powder River basins Devon Energy expects oil growth driven by drilling in Texas' Permian and Wyoming's Powder River basins to accelerate in the second half of the year as the company focuses more on crude production and less on natural gas, the company said Wednesday. 2019/5/8 www.sinopecnews.com.cn/news/content/2019-05/08/content_1746326.htm http://www.sinopecnews.com.cn/news/content/2019-05/08/content_1746326.htm 2/2 Oklahoma City-based Devon is currently in the process of selling two legacy assets - its Canadian oil sands and a large position in the Barnett Shale natural gas play in North Texas - to position itself as largely a US unconventional oil and liquids producer. Devon raised its oil output guidance by 17% for 2019, excluding assets held for sale, over last year's 122,000 b/d (for retained assets), versus 15% projected earlier. The company expects to close on the asset sales by year-end and has already segregated them in its accounting tables. Once those assets are sold, Devon will focus its attention around four key plays in the Permian in West Texas and New Mexico, the Powder River Basin in Wyoming, the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas and the STACK play in Oklahoma. Devon's raised oil production guidance stems from improved well performance that during the first quarter delivered some of the most productive Permian wells ever recorded in the basin, Devon executives said.

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